Videos: Diagnostic Tests


We occasionally make reference to additional tests to determine the type of wrist injury you may have. These tests are important in the understanding of the wrist.

There are three ways to assess wrist stability:

  1. The Weight Bearing Test- Hand flat with arm at 90 degrees.
  2. The Modified Grip Load Test - Push down on the scale with hand in fist position.
  3. The 45 Degree Angle/ Scapholunate Load Test - Hand flat with arm at a 45 degree angle.

The Modified Grip Load Test is valuable in understanding the weight load tolerance of the wrist. This test requires grip strength and wrist extension at 30 degrees.


The 45 Degree Angle/Scapholunate Load Test is harder to perform, and drops weight bearing tolerance 30% in normal healthy wrists. This position does not require full wrist extension and is valuable in our assessments.


The Hamate Pull Test is used to determine hamate fractures.