My name is Kailey and I just received my WristWidget® . These will be my second and third ones I've owned. I have a connective tissue disorder and my TFCC story is actually pretty boring. I put too much pressure on my wrist at the wrong angle and partially tore my TFCC. I was in an odd cast for about 6 months, then switched to a brace, now I'm down to just the widget. It has taken over a year to fully heal due to the connective tissue disorder. I am studying to be an American Sign Language interpreter. So my hands are very important. I still have some pain and I am more likely to damage it again because of my condition. The WristWidget® allows me to pursue my career goals while taking care of my body. I don't have to worry if I will be in too much pain to do my job. The WristWidget® has given me hope for my future!