Increase of weight-bearing capacity of patients with lesions of the TFCC using a wrist brace

Patients with arthroscopically confirmed TFCC lesion show a significant increase of weight-bearing capacity when they wear the Wrist Widget® brace. The limiter was maximum tolerated pain on axial load.
Patients with traumatic lesion or unstable distal radioulnar joint seem to show a greater relative effect.
This research paper can be found in the March 2021 issue of the Journal of Hand Therapy. or read here
Wrist Weight Bearing Tolerance in Healthy Adults

The research paper can be found in the January 2021 issue of the Journal of Hand Therapy
Increase of Weight-Bearing Capability of Patients with Lesions of the TFCC using the WristWidget® brace

Simon Kim of the University of Greifwald in Germany and his colleagues, conducted research on the ability of the WristWidget to increase the weight bearing ability in those with a TFCC injury.
The abstract was submitted to the 2020 ASSH Annual Meeting for review. Read the abstract here.
TFCC injuries heal without surgery
CASE REPORT: A Non-surgical Intervention for Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex TearsIn this study conducted by Susan J Barlow from the University of TN, it was confirmed that non-surgical treatments such as the WristWidget increased the weight-bearing ability in subjects with with a TFCC tear to normal levels.
A 45-year old man with ulna-side wrist pain after performing a yoga hand stand used the WristWidget for 12-weeks and found relief.